Mindenki kéri a bizonyítékokat az Új Zélandi mezítlábaskodáshoz. Sajnos hiteles saját dokumentációnk még nincs. De gondoltam felteszek pár szemléletes képet a témában.
Ha eldöntöd, ezután mezítláb jársz, akkor feldobod a cipődet egy fa tetejére, vagy még inkább egy villanypóznára. Itt-ott lehet látni a villanypóznáról, fatetejéről lelógó cipőfűzővel összekötött cipőket.
A minap a zuhogó esőben volt a patikában egy mezítlábas vásárló... Jobb mezítláb járni mintsem összevizezni a cipőt...
De arról hogy Miért? Minek? Hogyan? Hadd beszéljenek a Kiwik magunk. Ezt meg mi sem igazán értjük...
I go barefoot everywhere, including in the city. I fully trust my tough skin, and it’s always more pleasant to walk barefoot, even at railway stations, large outdoor fairs and other places with lots of garbage. I’ve been barefoot for fourteen years and never stepped in anything that didn’t wash off. Dog poo is the grossest but I thought it was pretty gross to step in when I still wore footwear too… I’ve had to wash it off shoes with deep thread in the soles several times, once off a pair of white suede boots, and a few times off bare feet. Guess which of the three was easiest by far? Glass also isn’t a big deal, I stopped avoiding all but the largest pieces after about a year, and I have NEVER had a cut. Not once. Get a splinter maybe once a year, nothing to worry about. Feet are much tougher than those who rarely walk barefoot think, much tougher even than I would’ve believed when I started going barefoot.
And I don’t mind washing my feet when I come home. Besides, shoes harbor many nasty bacteria, maybe we used to think we could judge how clean something was with the naked eye but since the invention of the microscope, we should know better. Your feet coming out of a pair of shoes may *look* much cleaner than my bare soles, and if streaks of sand, mud etc is the only concern, then you have a point. But if you actually want to keep the couch clean of germs (and especially prop your feet up on a table where you may put food, snacks, drinks) I’d strongly advise you to wash your feet before putting them up, regardless what you’ve been wearing.
I go barefoot because I absolutely LOVE it, I enjoy every step, feeling the ground underfoot, every surface is a little bit different. Some warm, some cold, some rough, some smooth, some harsh and some soft. I don’t do it to be noticed, it’s a lot more noticeable here and it’s a bit of a hassle sometimes when people ask me about it. I just do it because I enjoy it, taking off my shoes was one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life.